GP resilience.

To date our team has worked with over 100 GP practices, either commissioned through CCG led resilience schemes, after recommendation from commissioners or by direct approach from practices.

There are very few areas we have not supported. Our methodology is grounded in developing trusting relationships with practices who can often feel vulnerable when faced with a ‘resilience team/programme’, understanding the issues then co-designing the interventions which we support through a coaching methodology.

We roll up our sleeves and get stuck in when needed as well! Our team are drawn from primary care and know the pressures culture, language, rules and regulations. In addition to our core-team we draw on the specialist knowledge of out trusted medical accountant, solicitors HR and IMT partners when required. 

Some of the feedback:

“So much more than we expected “

“The support has been immense”

“XX helped the practice so much - we really feel we have turned a corner and hope to work with them again to build further”

“Thank you, I think this has been a very useful investment. 

Some examples of our offer from a CCG wide resilience programme


Introducing group consultations.


CQC readiness.