Emerging leaders programme across 2 CCG areas.


To provider development support for a selected group of GPs and practice managers over a number of months as part oif an emerging leaders programme.

Our work:

·       Designing and presenting a programme of support for attendees

·       Inputs were developed for each development day

·       Learning sets were established for groups and facilitated 

·       Coaching was provided 

The programme was focussed on applying theory to practical situations, workshops were often adjusted to allow discussion of current issues and development of action plans.


·       Demonstrated increased confidence in their dealings with other parts of the health economy

·       Many took on leadership roles to support the development of general practice

·       Demonstrable progress was made during the programme in the quality of relationships between primary care and other stakeholders in the economy

·       Have a support network of others to draw on 



CD leadership development.


Clinically led whole system redesign to achieve optimal outcomes and significant cost benefit.