GP Mergers

Our experience.

We have managed a number of practice mergers (and sometimes discovered with practices that merging is not the correct option at that time), ranging from creating lists of less than 10,000 to 45,000 patients across a number of CCG areas, each one having a different approach to process and compliance. We have developed a tried and tested methodology.

A recent example was the merger of a circa 12,000 patient surgery with three single handed GP surgeries to create a single list of over 20,000 patients. This particular merger was unique in that a multidisciplinary, single point of access (SPA) was created at the ‘home surgery’ where back-office functions were also centralised. We worked with our associates to develop governance processes, IT and telephony integration and resolve property arrangements.

Every merger is different, and we are able to tailor our support to the needs of the practices


PMS Review


Resolving partnership issues, optimising partnership dynamics