Primary Care Network Development

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Supporting PCN development.

The NHS Long Term Plan 2019 describes PCNs as the building blocks of integrated care systems. Our expert team offers specialist support including;

  • developing your vision and strategy.

  • rapid review and opportunities assessment.

  • optimising your ARRs recruitment and rollout.

  • optimising influence and collaboration at Place level.

  • making population health meaningful.

  • supporting innovation.

  • developing PCNs Ito support their GP practices.


Clinical leadership development.

Our techniques are evidence based and delivered by experts in their field, often sharing experiences from other geographies and sectors. We want to ensure a return on your investment.

We use case scenario’s, events and opportunities within the aspiring leaders work and experience – developing leadership in real-time with immediate effects. We design our development to be flexible around time and place, ensuring busy clinicians, managers and their teams can make the most of their time.


Embedding multidisciplinary working

The expanding teams of PCNs offer a huge opportunity as well as a challenge for providing patients joined up care.

A collaborative approach can improve communication, save time, reduce duplication of effort, and improve working relationships. The quality of care someone receives is the result of how different teams work together.

By integrating the efforts of diverse teams you can often provide better care and a better experience for patients, carers and staff.


Workforce development.

As PCNs develop, the workforce is expanding and becoming more diverse. Getting the best out of the team is essential for PCNs to manage workload and improve how care is delivered to their PCN population.

We can support your workforce development, for example:

  • workforce strategy.

  • integration within and outside the PCN.

  • HR best practice.

  • optimising ARRs roles.

  • team building and team working.


Developing General Practice


Population Health Management